Recipe: Liquid Gold Pineapple Delight

- 1 cored pineapple
- 2 ½ tbsp cinnamon sugar mix
- ½ - ¾ cup of Rockway Vineyards Vidal Icewine
- French Vanilla Ice Cream
Cinnamon Sugar Recipe:
- ½ cup granulated sugar
- 2 tbsp ground cinnamon
Add the ingredients of the cinnamon sugar to a small bowl and mix until combined. The cinnamon sugar mix can be stored for up to two years.
In a shallow container sprinkle 1 ½ tbsp of cinnamon sugar mix. Cut pineapple into wedges (8 -12 pieces). Take wedges and lightly coat both sides in the mix. Pour Icewine over pineapple (make sure to cover wedges to absorb the “liquid gold”). With fingers sprinkle the remaining 1 tbsp cinnamon sugar mix on top of the pineapple wedges. Cover the dish with saran wrap or lid and place in the fridge to marinate for 12 hours.
Set BBQ to medium high heat or indoor grill on high heat. Remove pineapple from fridge and place on paper towel remove excess liquid. Take the “liquid gold” mixture and pour into a small pan and place on stove on low heat. Reduce liquid to half and set aside. Spray grill with nonstick cooking spray. Place pineapple on an angle, grill, until nice marks are on both sides.
Remove from grill and stack in a crisscross pattern 2-3 pieces on each serving plate. Top with 2 or 3 small scoops of ice cream. Drizzle “liquid gold” reduction sparingly over top of ice cream and pineapple.
Serve with the remainder of the Icewine for a delightful combination.
(Recipe by Bonnie Bates, Wine Club Manager, Rockway Vineyards)